• Business Consulting
Your company everywhere at the same time

The COVID-19 pandemic shed more light on features that were pillars for companies: virtuality and ubiquity. Leer en español During the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of businesses went bankrupt, others sprung up, and just as many were transformed. It is in this last area where the controversies of decision making come into play, since it is […]

January 6, 2023

  • Business Consulting
Tu empresa en todos lados al mismo tiempo

La pandemia del COVID-19 iluminó con más fuerza rasgos que fueron pilares para las empresas: la virtualidad y la ubicuidad.  Read in English Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, miles de negocios quebraron, otros surgieron y otros tantos se transformaron. Es en este último rubro donde las polémicas de la toma de decisiones entran en juego, […]

January 6, 2023

  • Business Consulting
Tourism in the global village

Digital tourism offers accounts, recommendations, experiences and an efficient capitalization of the sector through the concept of a global village. Leer en español Have you thought of a place where people from all over the world live together in real time regardless of distance, sharing their opinions and receiving feedback? Well, that utopia (if it […]

December 29, 2022

  • Business Consulting
El turismo en la aldea global

El turismo digital ofrece recuentos, recomendaciones, experiencias y una eficiente capitalización del sector por medio del concepto de aldea global. Read in English ¿Has pensado en un lugar donde personas de todas partes del mundo convivan en tiempo real sin importar la distancia, compartiendo sus opiniones y recibiendo retroalimentación? Pues esa utopía (si se le […]

December 29, 2022

  • Business Consulting
Understanding the language of the platform – Part 2

Instagram and Tik Tok are two platforms whose key pieces are no longer the terrain where they move, but even more abstract elements: aesthetics and time. Leer en español In the last blog we talked about Facebook and Twitter; two platforms that introduced us to the digitization of many socioeconomic aspects. They have changed the […]

December 21, 2022

  • Business Consulting
Entendiendo el lenguaje de la plataforma – Parte 2

Instagram y Tik Tok son dos plataformas cuyas piezas clave ya no son el terreno donde se mueven, sino elementos aún más abstractos: la estética y el tiempo.  Read in English En el blog pasado hablamos de Facebook y de Twitter; dos plataformas que nos introdujeron a la digitalización de muchos aspectos socioeconómicos. Cambiaron la […]

December 21, 2022

  • Business Consulting
Understanding the language of the platform – Part 1

Communication inside and outside the company is as vital as finance, and we must always distinguish the languages of each platform. Leer en español Every time a new project that tries to innovate in the business world arises, it brings with it vices that will develop throughout its trajectory. Many of them oscillate between financial […]

December 12, 2022

  • Business Consulting
Entendiendo el lenguaje de la plataforma – Parte 1

La comunicación dentro y fuera de la empresa es tan vital como las finanzas, y siempre debemos distinguir los lenguajes de cada plataforma.  Read in English Cada vez que surge un nuevo proyecto que trata de innovar en el mundo de los negocios, lleva consigo vicios que se desarrollarán a lo largo de su trayectoria. […]

December 12, 2022

  • Business Consulting
A good business closing

The end of the year is just around the corner along with the usual symptoms: rushing, being fed up and heaviness. But, although the end of the year is heavy due to the activities that as a whole make a project or company move forward, it is also a good opportunity to set habits in […]

November 29, 2022

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