Benchmarking for your ecosystem
Published on November 16, 2022
Benchmarking is a fabulous mirror exercise in which an organization recognizes meeting points that can allow it to grow.
This perspective of organizations is based on the analysis known as systemic, which tells us about organizations as self-regulating systems and coexist interdependently with other entities that are likewise considered systems.
Taking this analytical cut into account for an organization brings with it many advantages of organizational development. One of them, which is relevant to this theory of organizations, is benchmarking.
Benchmarking is, in a few words, an evaluation of the strongest and contrasting points of one or more organizations for the exploration and development of new ideas in a company (the one that exercises benchmarking). Something like a mirror exercise in which an organization recognizes other meeting points and absences that may allow it to grow.
Recognizing these similarities and absences in other organizations will allow a company to innovate internally or externally to organizational processes. It will also make it possible to make investment decisions or find that product/service that will make a difference in the market.
Before doing so, you must take into account three points:
- Know the environment where your organization is located: the political, economic and cultural environment.
- Identify the main competitors: those companies that are your direct competition.
- Know what type of information you are looking to compare: the cornerstones of your organization in contrast to those of your competitors.

This is only the first step, since there are different types of benchmarking according to what you want to strengthen or innovate, whose source of information comes from different places. The ones that are generally most useful are the following:
- Internal benchmarking: consists of observing and comparing the different departments of your organization. By doing so, you can identify their best functional qualities in order to figure out how other departments in your company could improve.
- Benchmarking of competition: this is the classic, the one that is best known. It consists of carrying out an analysis of your company’s competitors.
- Functional Benchmarking: this puts the corporate imagination to work, while the analysis focuses on other companies that are not similar to yours in products and services. Therefore, the observation of different processes in diametrically opposed organizations can leave a good path to build new processes that work in your organization.
At X eleva Group we know perfectly well that organizational systems coexist with each other and what marks the singularity of each one is the constant and rigorous exercise of analysis, as well as that of corporate imagination.
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