The basics for Tech Consulting
Published on October 12, 2022
There is a lot of technology, but which one should I implement in my business? How much and when? Tech consulting can help your organization or company to take the technological turn you need, always hand in hand with the best experts.
Businesses are migrating to a new way of connecting and offering services to their customers. This new form has to do with the digitization of the world and due to its rate of expansion throughout the globe, it promises a better quality in the way of doing business and obtaining services, but on the other hand, it threatens to disappear those who do not know how to surf. the digital wave
The great promises are more affordable for those companies that are of a medium and large caliber, since their levels of production and management allow them with some ease to acquire digital processes that allow them to be at the forefront.
On the other hand, we have the small companies, which despite being able to identify their public and from this have seeded a new market in their region, since their income is lower than that of medium and large companies, it is not so easy to take that digital turn.
However, something that these two types of companies share equally is the same lack of knowledge about how much and when to invest in technology. Because of this, they leave to chance the construction of their path towards digitization and consequently their potential to find new opportunities.
Tech consulting is not an empty concept
This is where the concept of tech consulting or technological consulting arises, in Spanish.
Beyond breaking down the concept by its etymological composition and accessing its full understanding, tech consulting can be described with a focus on the following points:
What technological tools will be useful for my business:
It is very common that before the overwhelming information that is out there about technological advances, they articulate an “infoxication”, in which entrepreneurs want to indiscriminately implement all digital tools. However, this must be done under continuous surveillance in order to determine what is pertinent and what is not, as well as what is due to the business model and what is not. That is, it is not about putting all the tools just for the sake of it.
How to familiarize myself to use these technological tools:
Once the what has been implemented, we move on to the next point, which focuses on familiarization through practice with the technological tools established for the organization. Familiarization generally involves courses and workshops led by experts, so that the organization’s personnel know the fundamentals of the technology they will implement.
How much capital to invest in these technological tools:
Without a doubt, one of the most important of course and that speaks for itself is how much to invest in technology. This will depend on the business model, income, and other technological, financial and cultural factors. Technology consulting will help you break down all of them.
When is the right time to take that step in my business:
In this step, one must be very contemplative to identify the time of growth of the organization and especially the needs that, together with growth, appear over time. It is in this way that the indicated decision will be prioritized.
These key points can help your organization or company to take the technological turn you need, always hand in hand with the best experts. To be able to understand in a more informed way, as well as rigorously concepts and tools -that you have surely heard- such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, SEO, SEM, KPIs, etc.
At X eleva Group we are committed to the companies and organizations that come to us to provide them with ethical and rigorous advice to meet their true needs, all this through our technological consultancy in charge of the best experts in the field to give certainty to your organization against threats and opportunities.
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